About us

Our physical store that is located at NUH Medical Centre (One@Kentridge), a unique location that we chose to serve players in Singapore for their stringing, badminton and tennis needs. The 1st Haribito Shop「張人の店」in Singapore and South East Asia

Operating from our various brand partners warehouse, our online store that caters to customers needs from all over the world. A world of choices to choose from.

A learn to play, play to learn badminton training classes for adults and teenagers picking up baminton or for brushing up their skills.

The training class for stringers and stringers-to-be and a network affiliation of stringers located worldwide to cater the needs of travelling players for their work or leisure.

A unique blend of professionally certified racquet technicians aka stringers from different parts of the world that works behind the scene for tournaments big or small both locally and overseas.